Three Great Burger Joints in Houston, TX – Cleaning Frenzy Services

Burger joints are all over Houston, Texas.  The competition is amazing as restaurants compete with their unique recipes serving up gourmet burgers.  Sure, there are the cheapo chain restaurants but if you really want a great burger, you are going to have to pony up a little more money. Stanton’s City Bites was established in 1961.  It originally started as a local grocery store that was family owned and run.  Mr. Stanton built the building with two floors, so he…

Three Great Breakfast Places Brought to You by Fort Worth Hood Cleaning

In my opinion breakfast is the best meal of the day.  Mostly I cook breakfast at home but once in a while I love to go to a good breakfast place.  I tend to only try a couple of items like chicken fried steak and eggs or huevos rancheros.  A restaurant can either make them…